Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Breast Cancer Among Women - 1457 Words

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the tissue of the breast and spread to the surrounding area of the breast. This cancer most normally begins from the inner lobules of the breast, which are called the ducts and is better known as the part of the breast that makes milk. After a woman develops cancer, she is tested to determine what type of cancer she has and which treatment is best for her. Some treatments for cancer are surgery, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy and radiation. In the present day, surgery is nevertheless the best choice when dealing with breast cancer. It increases the rate of survive for breast cancer by removing the cancer cell from the breast. In recent studies, the number of women getting breast cancer has†¦show more content†¦However, they are some down side of using Chemotherapy. Today it is used to treat cancer however, it was originally made to use for different purposes. During World War II, Mustard gas was first used in chemical warfare to kill skin cells but later was discover to be powerful suppressor of blood production. Scientists then decided to test it on cancer cells and see if it had the same effect. In the article Women’s Health: Cancer Women and Breast Cancer, it addresses the issue of using chemotherapy and how it can improve survival rate. Lippman wrote: Chemotherapy is indicated and will dramatically improve survival for young women with positive lymph nodes. Chemotherapy should also be considered for certain women who are lymph nodes negative and who are under 50. There are major benefits for these women. For women who are over 50, the anti-estrogen tamoxifen is clearly associated with an improvement in survival, and the consensus panel concluded that chemotherapy should be considered for women who are over 50 and who have lymph node involvement with breast cancer. (99) It also can be used with other drugs and radiotherapy to destroys cancer cells and prevents them from coming back. In the article Breast Cancer Risk as Disease by Jennifer Ruth Fosket: Biomedicalization as a cultural force shape the way chemoprevention has been able to emerge when and how it has. Other factors are also important. First, chemoprevention for breast cancer enters the scene at a time littleShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : A Common Type Of Cancer Among Women Essay1997 Words   |  8 PagesWhen people hear breast cancer, they usually think of women first. Unfortunately, breast cancer can affect men as well, although at a slight lower rate. However, it is the most common type of cancer among women. For women, the breast becomes an important organ during childbirth, primarily for breast-feeding. Of course, every organ is important as they play their own vital roles; however, the breast takes on a number of significant roles to keep the body properly functioning. 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